SÖT COFFEE ROASTER was founded on the concept of the highest quality coffee drinks that inspire everyday life.
We keep searching for high quality beans from all over the world, handpicking on strictest standard, and carefully roast coffee beans in small batches for you. In 2021, we got the 3rd place in the best coffee of the year, ranked by CoffeeReview.com.
SÖT COFFEE ROASTER (ソットコーヒーロースター)は、日常をインスパイアする最高品質のサプリをコンセプトに、 世界中からハイクオリティの豆を探し出し、手間を惜しまずハンドピッキング、 丁寧に少量ずつ焙煎をし、皆さまの元へとお届けしています。
Wholesale 卸豆販売、国内から海外まで発送。
Our beans are available for retail and wholesales to Japan and worldwide customers.
Specialty beans orders from cafes, hotels, restaurants, offices and households are empowering more and more coffee lovers. Feel free to discuss with us on the best pairing beans selection, roasting style and food pairing choices. Minimum order from ~1kg.
Hours: 08:00–19:00
IG: sotcoffee.jp
Email: osaka@sotcoffee.com
〒540-0021 大阪市中央区大手通1-3-7 1F
Hours: 09:00–17:00 (日曜、祝日定休)
IG: sotcoffee.kitahama
Email: osaka@sotcoffee.com
〒541-0047 大阪市中央区淡路町1-5-7 1F
Hours: Mon–Sun 08:00–18:00
IG: sotcoffee.kyoto
Email: kyoto@sotcoffee.com
〒605-0989 京都府京都市東山区本町新5-148-2
IG: sotcoffee.lab
For any inquiry or comment, please contact us with the following
Welcome to reach us for media contact, event preparation,
business development, wholesales and anything else we could help of!